Whether you are an individual or a business, anyone can become a lender on Sharely easily and for free in just 2 minutes.

Become part of the movement towards a more sustainable society. We help you get started with the circular economy and renting out products. It's easy, no risk and no fixed costs. Open your online rental store on Sharely and share items with the ever-growing Sharely community.

As a business, you also build a new and greener revenue model and reach thousands of new customers.

A man pointing a finger to the laptop, explaining something to another man

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Open a new account for free and within 2 minutes.

Lightbulb illustration


Upload your items. They are automatically linked to Zurich during the rental period.

Lightbulb illustration


Reach thousands of tenants and new potential customers.

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Big impact:

Reduce your carbon footprint and increase your sales at the same time.

  • What costs can I expect?

  • Are my items protected?

  • What can I charge for the rental?

  • What services does Sharely provide?

We want to grow with you, so we've developed a dynamic premium model. Borrowers pay a referral fee on top of your rent, which we use to run Sharely. This fee changes with your status and the revenue you generate per month through Sharely.

  • New Sharelian: The basic premium for a rental is 20% on the rental price for tenants:inside.
  • Power lender: After 5 successful rentals within 12 months you benefit from our regressive cashback model. Depending on the sales volume per month, we will pay out a part of the sharely premium.

    • From CHF 500.- turnover per month, the premium for you drops from 20% to 15%.
    • From CHF 1'000.- turnover per month to 10%
    • For each additional CHF 100.- you get a reduction of 0.5%
    • From CHF 1'500.- turnover per month, the premium is even reduced to 7.5%

We will pay you back the difference to the basic premium each month in the following month.

Any questions?

Each Sharelian is personally close to our hearts as partners and ambassadors of "Own less. Do More". Therefore we are available for landlords 7 days a week with our Premium Support. For problems, questions and suggestions you can reach us here.

Contact us!