for the group insurance contract Nr. 94.929.098 between Zurich Insurance Company Ltd (Zurich) and Sharely AG (Sharely).

Property insurance for rental objects, edition 01.2023. The user can access, download, save, and print these GCI at any time on the website: Download PDF

  1. Who is the insurer

    Zurich Insurance Company Ltd, which has its main office at Mythenquai 2 in 8002 Zurich (Zurich), and is super- vised by FINMA, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (Laupenstrasse 27, 3003 Bern).

  2. Insured persons

    Insured and eligible are landlords domiciled in Switzer- land who rent out objects via the Sharely platform (

  3. Insured objects

    The insurance covers movable objects that are rented out via the Sharely platform and for which an insurance contribution is charged to the tenant.

  4. Non-insurable objects

    Generally not insurable are:

    1. Motor vehicles for which liability insurance is required by law (except e-bikes and trailers),

    2. ships for which compulsory liability insurance is required by law, or those that are not removed from the water regularly after use,

    3. aircraft that must be entered in the Swiss Aircraft Register,

    4. water vehicles with motor,

    5. movable structures,

    6. Sports equipment, bicycles and motorbikes, including equipment, which are in competitive use during the rental period,

    7. Objects that are non-functional at the start of the rental period.

  5. Duration of insurance coverage

    The insurance coverage applies to damage occurring between the time the object is handed over to the tenant and when it is returned to the landlord, as well as during the agreed rental period.

  6. Geographic scope

    Insurance coverage is provided for damage or losses that occur in Europe (in the geographical sense).

  7. Insured Events

    The following are insured:

    1. Damage and destruction due to an unforeseen external event,

    2. damage caused by liquid,

    3. sand damage,

    4. damage due to the effects of temperature,

    which impair the function or operability of the object. Also insured is embezzlement.

    Also insured is embezzlement.

  8. Uninsured Events

    Excluded are damage or losses that, regardless of their cause, are either directly or indirectly connected with

    • warlike events, violations of neutrality, revolution, rebel- lion, insurrection, civil commotion (acts of violence against persons or property during riotous assembly, riots or tumults) and the measures taken against them,

    • nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, radioactive material, radioactive contamination, as well as nuclear explosive devices or any type of nuclear weapon, including measures taken against these,

    • water from reservoirs or other artificial water reservoirs or storage,

    • earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and falling meteorites, as well as other celestial bodies.

    Also excluded are damage and losses

    • due to theft, fire and natural hazards,

    • which have occurred gradually or not suddenly (except due to the effect of temperature or liquid), e. g. due to the effect of light, moisture, dryness, oxidation or spoilage,

    • due to wear and tear, aging, color change, material fatigue,

    • which have occurred without external influence, such as internal operational damage,

    • due to vermin and rodents,

    • if the rented object is not used for its intended purpose,

    • as a result of foreclosure under debt collection law or confiscation by state bodies,

    • caused by pets as a result of scratching, biting and excrement,

    • in connection with journeys not officially authorized,

    • when the object is transported by third parties,

    • which have an optical nature.

    • which are covered by the manufacturer’s or dealer’s warranty or which arise during the course of repair and maintenance work.

  9. Benefits

    Zurich will cover the repair or maintenance costs up to the replacement value at the time of the insured event for a partial loss or, for a total loss, the replacement value at the time of the insured event.

    The replacement value is calculated according to the following tables. In any case, however, it shall amount to a maximum of CHF 15,000 per tenancy or rental or the re- placement value declared by the insured person (the lower value is decisive).

    Category: Model aircraft, drones incl. accessories

    Compensation in the Event of Loss

    The indemnity in the case of a total loss is calculated as follows:

    • In the first year after a new purchase = replacement value

    • In the second year after a new purchase = replacement value

    • In the third year after a new purchase = 60% of the replacement value

    • In the fourth year after a new purchase = 50% of the replacement value

    • In the fifth year after a new purchase = 40% of the replacement value

    • In the sixth year after a new purchase = 30% of the replacement value

    • More than six years after purchase = cash value

    Category: Electronic devices incl. accessories

    Compensation in the event of a loss

    The indemnity in the case of a total loss is calculated as follows:

    • In the first year after a new purchase = replacement value

    • In the second year after a new purchase = replacement value

    • In the third year after a new purchase = 60% of the replacement value

    • In the fourth year after a new purchase = 50% of the replacement value

    • In the fifth year after a new purchase = 35% of the replacement value

    • More than five years after purchase = cash value

    Category: Sports equipment and musical instruments incl. accessories

    Compensation in the event of a loss

    The indemnity in the case of a total loss is calculated as follows:

    • In the first year after a new purchase = replacement value

    • In the second year after a new purchase = replacement value

    • In the third year after a new purchase = 70% of the replacement value

    • In the fourth year after a new purchase = 70% of the replacement value

    • In the fifth year after a new purchase = 50% of the replacement value

    • In the sixth year after a new purchase = 50% of the replacement value

    • More than five years after purchase = cash value

    Category: Other objects incl. accessories

    Compensation in the event of a loss

    The indemnity in the case of a total loss is calculated as follows:

    • In the first year after a new purchase = replacement value

    • In the second year after a new purchase = replacement value

    • In the third year after a new purchase = 75% of the replacement value

    • In the fourth year after a new purchase = 60% of the replacement value

    • In the fifth year after a new purchase = 45% of the replacement value

    • In the sixth year after a new purchase = 30% of the replacement value

    • More than five years after purchase = cash value

    If the replacement is not possible with a similar object, the replacement price or the cash value of an equivalent object shall be decisive.

    Personal sentimental value is not taken into account. Other costs related to the insured event, such as the cost of replacing the insured property or expenses relating to obtaining a police report, are also not insured.

    Zurich reserves the right to take recourse against the tenant within the scope of statutory provisions.

  10. Obligations in the event of a loss

    Upon the occurrence of an insured event, the insured person must report the damage or loss immediately via Sharely’s online claim form, which is possible up to two days after the end of the rental period. The tenant is automatically informed of the damage or loss when it is reported.

    In the event of embezzlement, the insured person must report the case to the responsible police station. If the stolen or misappropriated object is recovered, Zurich must be informed.

    The insured person shall protect the claims to which they are entitled against the tenant and shall assist in their enforcement by Zurich to the extent necessary.

  11. Breach of obligations

    In the event of a breach of obligations, payment of insur- ance benefits may be declined or the benefit amount reduced. This disadvantage will not occur if, under consid- eration of the circumstances, no culpable breach is on hand or the breach did not influence the occurrence and scope of the damage or loss.

  12. Place of jurisdiction and applicable law

    In the event of disputes arising from this contract, the policyholder or insured person may elect one of the following as the place of jurisdiction:

    • Zurich as the headquarters of Zurich,

    • the Swiss place of residence of the policyholder or the beneficiary.

    Swiss law applies.

  13. Sanctions

    Zurich will not provide any insurance benefits if, thereby, any applicable trade or economic sanctions would be violated.

  14. How does Zurich handle personal data?

    Zurich processes data relating to natural persons (personal data) in connection with the conclusion and performance of the contract and for other purposes. Further information on this processing (including the purposes, recipients of data, retention and rights of data subjects) can be found in Zurich’s privacy policy. This privacy policy can also be viewed at or ordered by contacting Zurich Insurance Company Ltd, PO box, CH-8085 Zurich,